LGBTQ+ erotically marginalized individuals

Have you been treated unfairly because of your gender identity, sexuality, or expressions (including lack of interest or expressions) of sexual desire? 

We believe that everyone has a right to be accepted for exactly who they are and this is why we offer a start to safety in our therapeutic relationships. Humans have multiple identities, including visible and invisible parts that make up ourselves. Our visible parts do not tell the whole story of our existence. We want to get to know you and as many of your identities that you want to express in words with us in our therapeutic relationship. We want to leave assumptions at the door and give you the chance to share your stories openly.

We know that in queer and kink communities, safe spaces are essential for survival and for overall well-being. We also know that there are no guarantees in life when it comes to safe spaces. Many of us with queer or kinky identities have faced moments of shame - whether that be in the form of internalized homophobia, transphobia, or sexism. Sometimes that has come from unexpected places like our own communities. We already know that the mainstream world can be cruel to those of us who fall outside of the heteronormative standards. When we are also ostracized within our own communities, it can lead to deeper shame or isolation. 

No one should ever say to you, “I need you to trust me,” at the beginning of any therapeutic relationship. Trust is a privilege that must be earned over time and through consistent demonstration of genuine respect, empathy, accountability, and the ability to do repairs when necessary in a relationship. This is crucial for all people, but we believe it is especially important for those of us who have faced various forms of oppression based on aspects of our identities. This is also why we are here to provide consistency of care that is led with our values of honoring your vulnerability and practicing demonstration of empathy. 

This offer of full-acceptance and empathy might be new for some folks who have been dealing with an intense amount of internalized oppression and can be a tough adjustment. We believe in moving at whatever pace you need to move in order to help you get to where you want to be.