I am thrilled to introduce Caroline and welcome her with (socially-distanced) open arms to Out of the Woods Therapy!
It is clear from the way that she writes and the way that she speaks that Caroline is incredibly bright. In the hours that I have already spent with her over the phone and over Zoom, I get the sense that she has many forms of intelligence - the book smart kind, the social kind, and definitely the kind of intelligence that therapists need most (the emotional kind).
I have felt like I could talk to Caroline for hours quite easily. In my opinion (and this is also validated by research), one of the most critical components of therapy is the therapeutic relationship itself. It is essential for clients to feel that they can be comfortable bringing up anything to their therapist. Caroline offers what she and I have come to call a “start to safety” when forming a therapeutic alliance.
Caroline demonstrates the kind of radically inclusive, intersectional-feminist values that are so very important to me and to our practice at Out of the Woods Therapy. People throw around words like “authentic” a whole lot, but I can think of no better word to describe how she shows up. She’s just so….herself. And I believe that inspires others to have the ability to show up confidently as themselves.
Caroline and Fox, one of her favorite felines
We are working to have Caroline credentialed with BCBS and Aetna. In the meantime, she is available to see private pay clients and can offer a statement for insurance reimbursement for those with out-of-network benefits. It is easy to submit an appointment request by looking at Caroline’s calendar here. You may also email her here.
To read more about Caroline in her own words, please see our about page.